Monday, November 28, 2011

Verb of the day / A bit of pronounciation

Your verb for today is Manger: to eat

Manger is a verb of the ER type. Its conjugation is fairly simple and follows the ER verb pattern, but with a slight exception! Due to the fact that it contains the letter g before the ER, it sometimes requires an extra e (which is not pronounced) when it lands in front of hard vowels such as a, u and o. 
But why??

The letter G can be pronounced two ways in French. It can be hard (like in gust!) or soft (like in gin, but without the d sound.) The way it goes depends on the letter following it. 

Soft Vowels
mir, le, mangeais, neige
gite, giraffe , girouette, gigantesque
gynécologue, gyroscope
Hard Vowels
gamme, gamin, gant, gallop
gomme, Congo, bingo,
guérir, longue. guide *
*The u in those words is ONLY used to make the g hard, and is not pronounced. I think there must be a few words where the u is pronounced after a g, but I couldn’t come up with any…

Anyway, here is the verb Manger, conjugated for you, with the extra e’s highlighted.

Future simple
Today, I eat
Yesterday, I was eating
Tomorrow, I will eat
je mange
tu manges
il mange
nous mangeons
vous mangez
ils mangent
je mangeais
tu mangeais
il mangeait
nous mangions
vous mangiez
ils mangeaient
je mangerai
tu mangeras
il mangera
nous mangerons
vous mangerez
ils mangeront

Your challenge:
1.      Think of a word with a g in it where it’s pronounced softly and a word where it is pronounced hard. Bonus points for having both g’s in the same word!
2.      Make a sentence describing what you are eating for lunch.

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